History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Thursday, July 29, 2004

I Would Guess the Ratio Would Be Something Like 1: 1,000,000

Odds are that I will be more likely to win the lottery than to get a job in St. Cloud.  This town sucks.   There are no jobs unless you are an engineer or a nurse or can lift 50+ pounds.... and I am qualified for none of the aforementioned.  My history degree isn't worth shit here.  Never, ever move here.  I'm still waiting for my unemployment to be processed and approved and it's been nearly a month.  I send them a form and they send one back saying I have to do this, this and, oh yeah, this before they can approve it.  So I do those things only to be sent another form with 20 more things to do.  Fuck!  However, when/if it is approved it will be nice to have some income rather than all this money going out with nothing coming in and seeing my savings dwindle to nothing.   Maybe with people going back to school in about a month or so, some jobs will open up.  I would not be completely adverse to working at Barnes & Noble or Waldenbooks or B. Dalton.  If I end up at McDonald's or Wal-Mart *shudder* (see previous post) then everyone would know I was at my last resort.

Truth of the matter is that I don't want a job at all.  The problem is that I need one so that we can stay afloat economically.  Unfortunately having the job as Mom doesn't pay cash, but that's perfectly fine.  That doesn't effect the job satisfaction.   Coos and smiles make it all worth it.  What happened to the time when a household could be supported by one income?  And it isn't like Chad and I live beyond our means either.  Hardly.

I never thought I'd say this but... I miss Green Bay.  At least there I could get a fucking job!


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