History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Friday, November 19, 2004

Chlorinating Car Pools

Every moment of free time Chad and I have is now filled in with playing video games. Chad is currently delving into Metroid Prime 2:Echoes and I have had my life consumed by The Sims 2. What is it about The Sims series that makes it so addicting? I have to original Sims and every single expansion pack. But I don;t play with them anymore. Noooo...because the Sims 2 is shiny and new and so very interesting. It's like learning to play The Sims all over again. It's somewhat the same but also extremely different.

It baffles me that Sims never need to do laundry. Or get a haircut. Or that they can't put furniture at an angle. But in this version they can do more important things like belch and fart. And sit on the grass and watch the clouds or star gaze, therefore greatly increasing your chances of being abducted by aliens. And they can serenade people they love. And make out. And do something that is called "Woo Hoo." the Sim creation is far more detailed and now your Sim, if you so choose to place yourself in the game, might actually somewhat resemble your actual self.

So far this version of the Sims is pretty damn cool.


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