History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Thursday, January 13, 2005

I Am Fluent In Over Six Million Forms of Procrastination

So yeah, I'm overdue for an update. But I have learned one very valuable fact in the time that has passed between now and the last time I significantly updated that I will share with the handful of people who actually read my blog:

LESSON: The holidays become 100 times more frantic and/or stressful when you have children.

Now that you've all learned something, let's move on with the update.

Games of the Moment: Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and Mario Power Tennis.

Both games, while radically different, are both fun to play. KOTOR2 does suffer from a bit of storyline lagging in the beginning and it's a bit tough to get really into it at first, but KOTOR1 also had that problem and it was well worth it to stick it out till the end. I have yet to finish KOTOR2, when the end is imminent.

Mario Power Tennis is a fun game to play with more than just yourself. I don't know what it is, but whether it's Mario Kart, Mario Golf or Tennis, I just can't play them by myself for very long. I just get bored.

Job Status: Currently employed as an evening receptionist at a local tech college. It's part-time and not stressful at all, so I'm liking it.

Erik Update: I'm not sure exactly who reads this blog and some of you may not give a rat's ass about my son, but tough shit, skip this part for all I care.

He crawls now. It's still a belly crawl, but he knows how to get around. We're in the midst of baby-proofing our apartment, and so far so good. He also has four teeth and is as chatty as ever. Sometimes I look at him and wonder where that little bundle that we brought home from that hospital has disappeared to and then I remember that he's going to keep growing. For those of you who do not have children of your own yet, they do grow up very fast.... your parents weren't kidding.

Ugh... I need to get to bed. Another day of chasing Erik around the house and then working for a few hours lies ahead...followed by a party after work for one of Chad's co-workers. Man, I'm so glad that my weekends start at 8pm Thursday.


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