History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Hoping to Get a Great Jorb

Well I have a job interview for Friday at Uline. They sell shipping supplies. If I get the job, they'll give me money and benefits, which is fine by me. Granted, I could probably get a higher paying job than what I'm interviewing for, but I just want a job period so I have some income. If I only have this job for a year, well, then I only have it for a year. Chad, on the other hand, is still in the job hunting mode, waiting to hear from someone...anyone. At least with the call back I got today, we both know there isn't some blackhole eating all of our resumes. I had a list of a dozen places I sent my resume to over the past 2 weeks. Two companies said they did not have a position for me at this time and they would keep my resume on file for future reference blah blah blah. The other places may not exist. I don't know. I haven't heard from them. And if Chad doesn't have a job by the time he ends his current job at the U of M, his car would go in my name if I get the job at Uline. I, who currently has no license, would have a car, a rather new one at that, in my name. Stranger things have happened I guess.

In other news, the trim on the house here is finished so no more squirrels and bats and other mammels can get in the walls and the roof no longer leaks. It can rain all it fucking wants and we no longer have to worry about emptying out pans and bowls in the middle of the night. I hope it pours tonight. Chad, Joe and Jesse (Chad's good friend) helped clean out some shit in the basement tonight. Apparently there was a bunch of wood and sheet of broken glass that the previous owner left in the basement. The previous owner was Sheila's ex-husband. Sheila is now married to Chad's dad. So there you go. I think that's it for now.

Comments? Questions? E-mail: jennifer.borley@snc.edu


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