History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Thursday, May 29, 2003

X2 vs. The Matrix Reloaded - Whoa... Little Competition, Bub


Ok, I know it's a little delayed. I've seen X2 (want to see it again in the very worst way) and I've seen The Matrix Reloaded. Let's just say the X2 improved on X-Men while The Matrix Reloaded did not really improve on The Matrix. One major, major problem I have with TMR is that is seemed to be laid out as such: action, lots of dialog, lots of action, lots of dialog, etc, etc. I zoned out half way through the speech by the Architect. And the scene in Zion with the dancing and the .... yeah. The action scenes were awesome and I don't regret spending the money on it, don't get me wrong, but I was somehow expecting more. In short, it didn't live up to the hype.

X2 however, did live up to the hype. So cool a movie. I could be biased too. I used to read the comics many years back. Part of me wishes I kept up with it. But I would have to acquire nearly 8 years of back issues in order to catch up. That would be a good chunk of change. Maybe someday. BUT the movie was awesome. The start of the Phoenix Saga...sweetness. Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine.... need I say anything? Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler and the bamfing... sweet. I enjoyed every last minute of that movie and I want to see it again (anyone interested? E-mail me!) and I will be one of the first in line for the DVD.

In short: Wolverine hands Neo his ass.


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