History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Baby, Baby

Thanks to the wonderful invention of the internet, I have been able to get to the Green Bay Press Gazette's records so that I can keep an eye out for when my friend Lea has her baby. Well, she delivered a baby boy yesterday, which was also her due date. A timely little fellow. Having the baby born on the actual due date is a rare occurance it seems. I was born 2 days late, my brother was born 3 days early, Kate (my friend Amy's little girl) was born a week early. If I remember correctly, the name Lea had picked out for a boy was Drew... or Andrew and just call him Drew. I remember her saying this because she mentioned that Renae would also like it. And Renae likes the name Drew and any male with that name ;-). Hence the connection. So if you know Lea, congratulate her!

In Other News....

My interview at Uline seemed to have went well. The guy who interviewed me said he would give me a call by Wednesday (tomorrow) to let me know if they will be hiring me or not. Chad has also finally heard from someone about a job. Funny how the one job he wants in the very worst way is the one job that gets in contact with him. He's going for the position of online editor at Game Informer magazine. If you are a gamer like Chad and myself, this is one hell of a job to get. Review games before they are released, go to game conventions such as E3, etc, etc. I'll keep y'all updated on our job situations. Hopefully we'll both have paychecks soon.

Questions? Comments? E-Mail: jennifer.borley@snc.edu


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