History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Monday, October 18, 2004

Child's Play 2004

It's approaching that time of year again. And even though Halloween and Thanksgiving have yet to arrive, many people have their minds on Christmas. And by many people, I mean more than retail giants and people who are bound and determined to finish their Christmas shopping before the first snowfall. If you are a regular reader of Penny Arcade, you already know all about Child's Play. However, if you are not (and even if you are), I highly encourage you to take part in this wonderful charity that Gabe and Tycho came up with. Last year, their goal was to receive 100 toys to give to a Seattle area Children's Hospital. They ended up with a quarter million dollars worth of toys and cash donations. This year they have expanded their charity to 4 other children's hospitals across the country. For more information please go to the official Child's Play Website and make sure to tell everyone you know about this. Even donating $5 can give you that warm fuzzy feeling that you've done something wonderful and helped a great cause.