History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

It's 37 Degrees Outside, Do You Know Where Your Heat Is?

You do? Well, congratulations! You know something I don't. It's freezing up here and the person who is in charge of the heat will not turn it on even though it is nearly freezing outside! I guess if I get sick, I get sick. Though I will not like it. And may be a little pissy. :-P I'm tired. Bed time.
Sweet, Sweet Victory

Twins beat the Yankees! Twins beat the Yankees! Only 2 more games to go!

Friday, September 26, 2003

Sugar High

Too many Krispy Kremes....ugh. Today is one of my co-messengers last day at the firm and our supervisor brough 4 dozen Krispy Kremes for us and others. I've had 2 and ugh, my stomach is protesting such action with avengence. Oh well. They're good!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Good Boy

March 5, 1999 - September 18, 2003

He was the best dog anyone could have asked for. I hope you're having fun chasing balls and begging for food where ever you may be now. You already are, and will continue to be, greatly missed. Thank you for being with us as long as were. The past 4 and a half years will always be remembered fondly by everyone who knew you. I'll miss you buddy.

Email me at: jennifer_borley@hotmail.com

Monday, September 08, 2003

Where Have They Gone? Where Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii*gasp*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid They Go? Eh, Bien, Raise Your Berets to Those Canaan Days

My current reading material is Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend by Christopher Moore. If you're really interested in seeing what this is completely about and if you want to read an excerpt, follow the links. The basis of this book is filling in of the childhood, teen and early adult years of Jesus (Joshua) told by his friend Levi-also-known-as-Biff. It's humorous and highly enjoyable, though I would not be surprised if the staunchly religious find it offensive. If you enjoy the work of Douglas Adams, Christopher Moore is an American version of him, as in, the sense of humor is about the same.

Reading this has made me want to listen to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in the worst way (hense the title of this blog) but I really can't until I gather all my shit from my mom's basement. I think it's the humorous take on religion that caused it.
Excuse My Stupidity

For those of you who may be trying to comment on the 101 Things About Me, I'm an idiot. MY email address is jennifer_borley@hotmail.com NOT jennifer.borley@hotmail.com. I edited that in the actual posting, but I decided to mention it here as well. So, uh, sorry.