History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Monday, August 14, 2006

Check Engine Light Update

It was on because the intake air temperature sensor was not working properly. It was a recalled part so it cost me nothing. And I was still under my warranty I got with the car as well.


*whimper* Why is my check engine light on?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Mommy's Car Goes Vroom Vroom"

Indeed it does, Erik. Indeed it does.

I bought a car yesterday. Wasn't planning on it, but it happened. A 2000 Chevy Malibu (white, tan interior) is now mine. 81k miles. V6 engine. Approximately 30 mpg. Power locks and windows. Automatic start (yay!). Daytime running lights. CD player. Brand spanking new tires. And I love it. She's a zippy little thing. This will make a possible trip to oh, I don't know, MINNESOTA, a little easier. I hear a couple people in that state have birthdays coming up...like September or October-ish.... God forbid one of them throws a party. I may have to actually drive MY car there :P

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Searching For Day Care....

Sucks! Argh!

Just, uh, thought I'd let you know that.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's About Time

I have full time employment! Yay me! I've been promoted at my job at Lane Bryant to a full time key holder, which is a fancy way of saying management. Now to find daycare....

Also, we are getting rid of our Jeep. Too costly. Between the actual car payment and filling it up ($22.53 for less than a quarter tank on Saturday) we decided it just wasn't worth it. We want to get married and buy a house. So, we're looking to buy a couple used cars that are in good working condition, so we won't have a car payment anymore and be saving on gas. Anyone selling? Anyone? Let me know if you are or know of someone who is.

Also, with the full time job, I'll have a few vacation days to use up before November. Have to use them before the Christmas season ramps up.... and that should be an interesting experience. I may have about 4 or 5 days to use up and I was contemplating visiting certain people in a certain state. For any shingdigs going on in September or October, I will make an effort to come out that way. And hopefully I won't be puking my guts out this time.

Friday, August 04, 2006

*snicker* *giggle*


I know it's two different generals/admirals but it's still funny.