History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Political Venting

OK, so the election is over and done with. I voted and my guy didn't win. I can accept that. I can express my dislike for the current administration as much as I would like to within all legal means and, hopefully, without catching the attention of the CIA or FBI. Today I would like to briefly discuss a beef I have not with the current administration but with some of the people who voted for it. Some of these people voted for President Bush because of his moral values. Ok, fine. What drives me nuts is when people say they voted for President Bush because he's pro-life. And if they voted for him solely because they believed he is pro-life, then they were either misguided or simply don't know what "pro-life" means. Pro-life is not the same as anti-abortion. You cannot be pro-life while you're flipping the switch to the electric chair. Remember, he was the governor of Texas.

Sorry... I just needed to get that out.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Chlorinating Car Pools

Every moment of free time Chad and I have is now filled in with playing video games. Chad is currently delving into Metroid Prime 2:Echoes and I have had my life consumed by The Sims 2. What is it about The Sims series that makes it so addicting? I have to original Sims and every single expansion pack. But I don;t play with them anymore. Noooo...because the Sims 2 is shiny and new and so very interesting. It's like learning to play The Sims all over again. It's somewhat the same but also extremely different.

It baffles me that Sims never need to do laundry. Or get a haircut. Or that they can't put furniture at an angle. But in this version they can do more important things like belch and fart. And sit on the grass and watch the clouds or star gaze, therefore greatly increasing your chances of being abducted by aliens. And they can serenade people they love. And make out. And do something that is called "Woo Hoo." the Sim creation is far more detailed and now your Sim, if you so choose to place yourself in the game, might actually somewhat resemble your actual self.

So far this version of the Sims is pretty damn cool.

Monday, November 15, 2004


For those of you who play video games, may I suggest the webcomic VG Cats. IF you are a fan of The Legend of Zelda franchise, I think you will find this particular edition most hilarious.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Boredom Sucks

Next time elections come around, especially presidential elections, and if Chad is still involved with the media, someone please remind me to have someone spend the evening with me. Once Erik went to bed, things got real boring real fast around here. I can't even do laundry because I've already done all of it. And people that know me would know that I'm really searching for things to do when I've been doing laundry of all things to occupy myself.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Insert Witty Title Here

Well, Happy Halloween...a day late. Oh well. If you would like a treat, I implore you to click this link. Some of you may recognize one of the little monsters.

It's November. My favorite month of the year. This is when any diet I may be on starts going to shit. Stupid holidays.

Also, I've FINALLY started working again. It's a work-from-home job in which I'll be addressing envelopes and writing out cards for all types of fundraisers. Right now I'm in the training period, which means I have to go work in-house until I get the OK to start working from home. I'm still looking for a part-time job to help suppliment this since it isn't steady work. Hopefully I'll find something soon.