History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Flag Flag FLAG!

Who here caught the ABC "debate" last night between Obama and Clinton? Me neither. HOWEVER, this morning, I did watch as much as I could handle. This was after reading a few news stories at how god-awful it was. "Senator Obama, why don't you wear a flag pin?" "Senator Clinton, why did you exaggerate about Bosnia?" What? Are the issues of health care, the war, the economy, the housing crisis, even gas prices too insignificant for you Mr. Gibson and Mr. Stephanapuolus?

Monday, April 07, 2008


Illness. I seem to be more susceptible to it than most people. Right now, I have a voice, it just isn't mine. It sounds like I've been possessed by a chain-smoking demon... or one of Marge Simpson's chain-smoking sisters. It's really quite lovely. If I start quoting Pazuzu's lines from The Exorcist, I'd probably creep myself out.