History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Friday, July 30, 2004

Late Night Television

Last night I had a difficult time sleeping so I stayed up and watched some TV. After watching the 1AM rerun of Family Guy (I still think Seth MacFarlane's face and voice don't go together... he looks much younger than he sounds and he sounds just like Brian...also I might add he's a very talented voice actor) I flipped through the channels and came upon Iron Chef. I don't know what it is about this show, but whenever I happen across it on Food Network, I have to watch some of it. But they had the oddest metaphor last night..."Quail is a virgin. Duck is a mature woman." This was used to point out that a less experienced chef would be able to handle quail more easily than a duck because it's easier, and much smaller, to prepare and has a more mild flavor that's difficult to ruin. I just found that really odd at 2AM. Just, uh, thought I would share. Anyway, time to go watch some more Family Guy.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yes, exactly 50 years ago today my dad was born and the world was never the same.  Because he spawned me.  Ha!  He's over in Europe somewhere, enjoying a 2 week cruise.  Lucky. Oh well, it's not like he doesn't deserve it.

And if you haven't noticed, I've put a picture in my profile.  Couldn't resist.
I Would Guess the Ratio Would Be Something Like 1: 1,000,000

Odds are that I will be more likely to win the lottery than to get a job in St. Cloud.  This town sucks.   There are no jobs unless you are an engineer or a nurse or can lift 50+ pounds.... and I am qualified for none of the aforementioned.  My history degree isn't worth shit here.  Never, ever move here.  I'm still waiting for my unemployment to be processed and approved and it's been nearly a month.  I send them a form and they send one back saying I have to do this, this and, oh yeah, this before they can approve it.  So I do those things only to be sent another form with 20 more things to do.  Fuck!  However, when/if it is approved it will be nice to have some income rather than all this money going out with nothing coming in and seeing my savings dwindle to nothing.   Maybe with people going back to school in about a month or so, some jobs will open up.  I would not be completely adverse to working at Barnes & Noble or Waldenbooks or B. Dalton.  If I end up at McDonald's or Wal-Mart *shudder* (see previous post) then everyone would know I was at my last resort.

Truth of the matter is that I don't want a job at all.  The problem is that I need one so that we can stay afloat economically.  Unfortunately having the job as Mom doesn't pay cash, but that's perfectly fine.  That doesn't effect the job satisfaction.   Coos and smiles make it all worth it.  What happened to the time when a household could be supported by one income?  And it isn't like Chad and I live beyond our means either.  Hardly.

I never thought I'd say this but... I miss Green Bay.  At least there I could get a fucking job!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Space Aliens
Tonight Chad and I tried a restaurant in the St. Cloud Area called Space Aliens.  This place intrigued us since we first saw it with it's bold exterior painted with an alien motif.  We chose to go tonight because Chad found out through some of his co-workers that Wednesday is all you can eat ribs for $9.99.  And they be some damn good ribs.  Let me tell you a bit about the type of restaurant that it is.  It's like a sci-fi Chuck E. Cheese's.  And even though Erik may only be 2 months old, he was very interested in the bright colors and all the decorations.  In a couple years he will be pulling on my arm and asking for tokens so he could play games.  Ah, the things to look forward to.  So, if you're ever in St. Cloud on a Wednesday and don't know where to go eat, go to Space Aliens.  (They have a bar away from the kiddie stuff if that isn't your scene.)  Oh yeah, and if you and your friends want to combine your game playing skills, you can get a Coleman tent in exchange for 10,000 tickets.  I have one ticket that I acquired by using a token I found lying on the floor.  Only 9,999 more to go.  w00t.

Oh yeah, they had a pizza on their menu called Vampire Chicken Pizza.  It had lots of garlic in the ingredients and supposedly would ward off the Vampire Alien.  I never saw this Vampire Alien, then again, it was daytime.  Or perhaps someone ordered this pizza and it does what the menu says it does.  Who knows?

Monday, July 26, 2004

Wal-Mart, How I Hate Thee...Let Me Count the Ways
I hate Wal-Mart.  I have for a long time.  Yes, there prices are cheaper and all that, but almost every time I go to Wal-Mart I end up being more inconvenienced than saving a few pennies is worth.  Give me a Target or Shopko any day.  Yes, it is convenient to have a 24 hour Wal-Mart right up the road from me, especially when it's almost 11pm and we realize that we don't have enough formula left to feed Erik in the middle of the night. BUT it shouldn't take nearly an hour to acquire said formula from a place that's 2 blocks away. That's a another story....

What has brought on this tirade you may wonder?  Well, I'll tell you.  It took place at Sam's Club yesterday afternoon when Chad and I attempted to purchase a large canister of formula for Erik.  We acquired said canister along with some tuna and some DVD-Rs and proceeded to check out.  In our possession we had a rebate check for the formula.  When the cashier tried to process it, it was denied.  Thinking that the cashier was simply unsure of how to process it, we didn't think anything of it.  However, it turned out that Wal-Mart (of which Sam's Club is a part of, if you didn't know) said that Chad had bounced a $3 check and was therefore blocked from using checks of any kind at any Wal-Mart company.  Not only had Chad apparently bounced a check, but he did it in Virginia.  Now, I'm curious how that was accomplished since neither of us have ever been to Virginia.  Chad was steamed and so was I.  We just wanted to buy some food for our son and go home.  We were told that we had to call this company that works with Wal-Mart to figure this out.  So Chad does this and is talking to someone from India about why he had a bounced check in Virginia when we live in Minnesota.  They run a credit check on Chad and everything is clear, but they can't fix the problem unless they do a check on me as well since I'm also on the Sam's Club account.  I didn't have my ID on me while we were at Sam's Club, so we would have to call them back from home so they could make sure that I didn't write the bad check in Virginia.  At this point Chad and I had had it and we left Sam's Club without any of our intended purchases.  We proceeded to Target and were in and out within 15 minutes.  The Sam's Club fiasco took about an hour.

Turns out, neither of us wrote a bad $3 check (duh, wouldn't our bank inform us if we did?) and the company in India has no idea why this occurred.  But we still have to talk to Sam's Club and find out why the hell this happened to us.  And we aren't the only ones this has happened to.  The wife of one of Chad's coworkers had this happen to her as well. 

Ugh...I hate Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

This Land Will Surely Vote For Me
You may have received a link to this in your e-mail or perhaps you learned about it on CNN like I did, but whether you are a liberal wiener or a right-wing nutjob I think you should check it out.


So far, just using the standard blogger comments.  Hopefully I'll have YAACS soon or something like it.
Let the Ranting and Raving Recommence!!! w00t!

Yes, yes, you may rejoice.  History Reheated has been started again.  I simply need a place to vent things.  Comments will be back and I'll be making one of those nifty profile things soon as well.  And perhaps a color change or two.