History Reheated

Life's Insane and So Are We

Thursday, May 29, 2003

X2 vs. The Matrix Reloaded - Whoa... Little Competition, Bub


Ok, I know it's a little delayed. I've seen X2 (want to see it again in the very worst way) and I've seen The Matrix Reloaded. Let's just say the X2 improved on X-Men while The Matrix Reloaded did not really improve on The Matrix. One major, major problem I have with TMR is that is seemed to be laid out as such: action, lots of dialog, lots of action, lots of dialog, etc, etc. I zoned out half way through the speech by the Architect. And the scene in Zion with the dancing and the .... yeah. The action scenes were awesome and I don't regret spending the money on it, don't get me wrong, but I was somehow expecting more. In short, it didn't live up to the hype.

X2 however, did live up to the hype. So cool a movie. I could be biased too. I used to read the comics many years back. Part of me wishes I kept up with it. But I would have to acquire nearly 8 years of back issues in order to catch up. That would be a good chunk of change. Maybe someday. BUT the movie was awesome. The start of the Phoenix Saga...sweetness. Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine.... need I say anything? Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler and the bamfing... sweet. I enjoyed every last minute of that movie and I want to see it again (anyone interested? E-mail me!) and I will be one of the first in line for the DVD.

In short: Wolverine hands Neo his ass.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Hoping to Get a Great Jorb

Well I have a job interview for Friday at Uline. They sell shipping supplies. If I get the job, they'll give me money and benefits, which is fine by me. Granted, I could probably get a higher paying job than what I'm interviewing for, but I just want a job period so I have some income. If I only have this job for a year, well, then I only have it for a year. Chad, on the other hand, is still in the job hunting mode, waiting to hear from someone...anyone. At least with the call back I got today, we both know there isn't some blackhole eating all of our resumes. I had a list of a dozen places I sent my resume to over the past 2 weeks. Two companies said they did not have a position for me at this time and they would keep my resume on file for future reference blah blah blah. The other places may not exist. I don't know. I haven't heard from them. And if Chad doesn't have a job by the time he ends his current job at the U of M, his car would go in my name if I get the job at Uline. I, who currently has no license, would have a car, a rather new one at that, in my name. Stranger things have happened I guess.

In other news, the trim on the house here is finished so no more squirrels and bats and other mammels can get in the walls and the roof no longer leaks. It can rain all it fucking wants and we no longer have to worry about emptying out pans and bowls in the middle of the night. I hope it pours tonight. Chad, Joe and Jesse (Chad's good friend) helped clean out some shit in the basement tonight. Apparently there was a bunch of wood and sheet of broken glass that the previous owner left in the basement. The previous owner was Sheila's ex-husband. Sheila is now married to Chad's dad. So there you go. I think that's it for now.

Comments? Questions? E-mail: jennifer.borley@snc.edu

Monday, May 19, 2003

Fini, Part Deux

Chad has now also graduated. He got his BA in English from the U of M. As stated in the previous entry, even some of my family came to his graduation. My mom and step-dad couldn't make it because in the middle of the week, Pete (step-dad) found out he had walking pneumonia. So no 300 mile trip for them. Understandable, and hopefully they can make it for Chad's grad party. The day went well for the most part (more on that in a bit, let me focus on the good stuff first). After his graduation, his dad, Joe (that would be his younger brother), Chad and myself had lunch at White Castle. Ugh. My stomach cannot handle that place and I think I'm going to finally swear off eating there. Then for dinner Dad and Vicki (his girlfriend) took us to Kozlak's. Yum! Very good steak with rather rich prices, but, hey, we weren't paying and the steak was awesome, so I'm not going to complain too much about it.

Ok, now the bad part. Notice how I have not mentioned Chad's mom being at his graduation yet. Well there is good reason for that. She wasn't there. Didn't bother to fucking show up. Oh she knew. We had been calling her everyday all last week just to remind her of it. Yes, she forgets easily. But that wasn't even her excuse because she called today asking how it went. We weren't around and Joe gave us the message. She had to work. That was her fucking excuse. Her oldest child graduates from college and she had to work at a job she doesn't need. What do I mean by that? Her husband has money and told her she doesn't need to work, she's just helping a friend get her new business off the ground. Doing her a favor. She's only been there 2 weeks. She knew about the fucking graduation. Work... fucking lame. She could have at least come up with a better excuse. Her car broke down, she got lost, she was sick.... almost anything would have been better than saying she had to work. It like she planned not to go to it. She asked Joe if she could buy a tape of it and watch it. Fuck. That's something you go to, not watch on TV. Chad hasn't bothered to call her yet. If she can't make time for him, why should he do the same for her. Work. My dad took off of 2 days of work, he's actually missing both jobs today, to come to this AND travelled 600 miles round trip to do it. Work. Fucking lame.

Oh yeah, when she called she was out to dinner at the same Perkins that Chad and I were at, just in the smoking section. Joe told her. She didn't bother to say hello. I think it was her car parked next to Chad's when we left. Probably the best for her because I cannot honestly say I would not have made a scene. She has it coming in my opinion.

Comments? Questions? Email: jennifer.borley@snc.edu

Mystere et boules de gommes

Tuesday, May 13, 2003


I have passed all my classes and graduated. I am no longer a student. At least for a few years or something. The whole graduating thing was all right except that the speaker was sooooo fucking boring. Everyone clapped for him and gave him a standing ovation because he finished. The job search continues and hopefully I'll have something by next week or an interview at the very least. I am also a Minnesotan now. Well, not quite yet, I still have to acquire a state ID and change my mailing address, but yeah... Chad graduates this Sunday and both my mom and dad and their sig. others are coming for that. I know that I get to drag my mom to the Mall of America on Saturday and there is a possible trip to the Cracker Barrel Friday night for dinner. Chad's going to help modify some things on this page and hopefully I'll have comments by the end of this month.

Oh yeah. Finally saw X2 today. I see X3 in the future and I bet I know at least part of the story for it as well. Maybe being psychic is my mutant ability.

Friday, May 09, 2003

One Day More....

Tomorrow I graduate. I don't think the fact that I won't be going back to school next year probably won't hit me until the end of the summer when I don't have to buy books, school supplies or anything. I'm working on getting a job. I sent an application to the Minnesota Historical Society and I hope to hear from them next week sometime. I have one more exam in about an hour and a half. Do I care? Not really. My last exam for a very long time, possibly forever. I'm getting an AB in that class so if i bomb this final, I still pass. I should be studying but I'm not. Well, technically I should be working but I'm not. I have the next hour off so I'm going to go to the library where everyone in this class is going to be gathered, frantically trying to study for this exam. I'm really not all that worried. Senioritis kicked in majorly last week. And yesterday it was in full force. It did so in the middle of my Politcal Science exam. I got to the middle of the second essay and just said "fuck it" and quickly finished it in about four sentences. I really stopped caring. I hated that class anyway.

As far as tomorrow, I'm very glad that my dad and his family are going to be there along with Chad's dad. That means that my mom's family (see previous entry) can't pull quite as much shit with me. If they do, I have people to go to that will put them in their place. I would do it, but they have a problem listening to me. In their minds, I'm still 10 years old. Fuck 'em. I'm sick of being nice and giving them what they want. My life, my choices and they just have to fucking deal with it. This is one reason why I am not going to the surprise birthday party for my uncle's friend tonight (the first reason is Chad is going to be arriving during it and I want to be home when he gets there). I'm glad that Josh gave me the head's up on the lecture that I'm supposedly receiving from my uncle. I have a feeling he'd plan it for tonight when my mom's entire family is also there to back him up and directly attack me. Ha ha! I'm not going to be there! I'd love to see him try to lecture me tomorrow in front of my dad and Chad's dad. He wouldn't get to say very much. That brings an idea to mind. I should probably sit by my dad tomorrow for the dinner after graduation. I'm feeling very confrontational right now and I know it will only be worse tomorrow. I know I'm going to be on edge, just waiting for them to start giving me shit. Yeah... I think sticking to Chad, Dad and Wayne (Chad's dad) would be a good idea.

I can't wait to move to Minnesota.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Never ever get married....

... if you have a family like my mom does. ARGH! It isn't worth the stress and anger. Aren't weddings supposed to be happy things? Aren't family members supposed to act happy for you? Aren't they supposed to stop treating you like a fucking 12 year old and trust you to make your own god damn decisions? Am I angry and bitter? No, of course not. Let me give you some wonderful examples of how they are pissing me off:

1. I go to show my grandma my wedding dress on Monday. It was the sample, not the actual one, but still. Her comment? "It's pretty but I wish it had more on the top." What the fuck? I won't go into great detail about the dress cuz my fiance stops by the site once and a while, but I'll say that more on top? What? I don't understand you and your freaky deeky Dutch. Dammit.

2. Ok. I'm from Wisconsin. Lived here my whole life. In four days, I'm moving to Minnesota permentantly. My wonderful Chad is there. Wonderful jobs are there. Living there means the wedding is going to be there. We will be living there and it will be a hell of a lot easier to plan the wedding. This was an issue, but doesn't seem to be one as much anymore. They could return to it. Who knows. My mom did say that none of my father's family was going to come. Bullshit. They all went to my cousin's wedding in Hudson, WI.. a whole 45 minutes away from the Twin Cities area where we live. I've talked to them. They're coming.

3. The church issue. This one probably won't be settled until some time after the wedding and maybe not even then. Fuck 'em. My family is very Catholic. I'm not. Chad's not. Our wedding. See where I am going with this? Monday, as my grandmother is bringing me back to my mom's, we drive past the new St. Matt's church. She was going on and on and on about how beautiful it is. She's saying this to someone who has seen the Catherdrals at Strasbourg, Reims, Chartres and Notre Dame in Paris. I highly doubt this modern church meets my views of beautiful. So I just shrugged at her comment. I haven't seen the new church because I don't go to church. So she says, in response to my shrug "Why are you so anti-church?" I tell her it's my opinion. She tells me "If you were with someone who went to church, I bet you would go too." Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say? Lucky for her she was driving and I don't particularly like to hit drivers. One more comment like that about Chad and I swear... grrrrrrrrr.

4. Later on monday, my brother, Josh, informs me that my uncle is going to lecture me when he gets up here for my graduation. He can lecture me all the fuck he wants about supposedly getting married too early and wanting to have a family too early. This is coming from a man who has never married and does not have kids. If he thinks for one moment that I am just going to sit there and take his shit, he has another thing coming. That side of the family has to learn to stop fucking with me and learn to let me grow up. I'm 22 and they treat me like I'm 12 and don't know what I'm doing..ever. People who never got beyond high school telling a soon to be college grad that she's dumb. Lovely.

There... done for now. Feel free to email me.

Friday, May 02, 2003

Side Note:

It was my last day of classes today. Forever. Thank you.
X2 Update: I can't read. Apparently Gambit and Beast make brief appearances in the new movie. Sweet! Just check the full cast list for X2 at IMDB. My desire to see this film as just increased. I didn't think that would be possible.
"Hey, hey, it's me!" "Prove it." "You're a dick." "Ok."

I'm sure that y'all haven't missed the media blitz regarding X2: X-Men United, which was released in theatres today. The above little thing is probably one of my favorite pieces of dialogue from the orginial movie. I'll probably refresh my mind this weekend by viewing the first movie. I used to read the comic and watch the cartoon when I was younger and I remember nearly having a heartattack when I was sitting in the theatre and seeing the preview for the first movie for the first time. It had taken me by complete surprise. I couldn't even tell you what movie I saw that day because I had seen a preview for X-Men, complete with Wolverine! I think I have a Wolverine action figure sitting around somewhere too. I suppose telling you my favorite character at this point would be redundent. Though I will say that I will not be completely satisfied with the movies until Gambit makes an appearance. I haven't seen the new film yet and I won't until about a week from now, but as far as I know, from IMDB, that he had yet to make it into the film series. When everyone's favorite card-carrying Cajun makes an appearence I'll be satisfied. Beast would be a nice addition as well. I'll try to write up a little personal review after I see the movie and anyone who even tries to tell me details about it should seriously reconsider. If you've seen it, cool... just don't tell me about it. ;-)
Added a few more links. I'll eventually get around to organizing them in a less Eclectic manner. Of course, not all the cool websites I enjoy are up yet, but soon.... soon.